Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán recently announced a new ‘Patriots for Europe’ bloc in the European Parliament. The goal is to combat the ‘green poison’ of the ‘Brussels elite’ and to defend the traditional family and national sovereignty.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán
As Hungary assumed the rotating presidency of the European Union on July 1, self-styled “Christian illiberal democracy” leader Viktor Orbán has announced a new vision for Europe.
“What Europeans want is three things: peace, order, and development,” Orbán said on June 30. “And what they are getting from the elite in Brussels today is war, migration, and stagnation.”
Orbán addressed a huge pro-peace rally earlier in June in Hungary and has called for the return of Donald Trump to the U.S. presidency to secure peace in the world. Yet these are not values shared by the E.U., nor in the wider liberal-global West.
Ahead of a peace mission to Russia, Orbán said “I wish to be a tool in God’s hands” to promote an end to the war in Ukraine. On his return from Russia, he said the search for an end to the conflict was “my Christian duty.”
Western ‘values’
Orbán said last summer that “Western values mean three things: LGBTQ, migration, and war.”
Now Orbán has embarked on a peace mission to Ukraine, Russia, and China, and has launched a new patriotic group to secure “Europe for the Europeans.”
Germany’s newspaper of record Die Welt reported on Orbán’s shuttle diplomacy, which has angered E.U. leaders in supplanting their firmly pro-war position. According to Die Welt, Orbán said, “China has a peace plan, America has a war policy, and Europe, instead of having its own strategic approach, is simply copying the American position.”
Columbia Professor Jeffrey Sachs described Orbán’s bid for peace as a “ray of light.”
“PM Orbán’s peace mission is a ray of light for the world at a time of warfare by the U.S. and its European disciples,” he said.
Of course, no good deed goes unpunished. Accordingly, Euronews reports how “the Hungarian autocrat has popped up in in Kyiv, Moscow, and Beijing just as his country takes over the presidency of the Council of the E.U.” Outraged by his “peace mission 3.0” to China, there is talk of cutting short Hungary’s tenure as E.U. president nation.
Why would the pro-war E.U. globalists be offended by Christian duty?
“This is a strategic campaign to ridicule the European Union and to show that PM Orbán can make all these uncoordinated moves which are clear violations of the E.U.’s common and agreed positions, and does not have to fear negative consequences,” Daniel Hegedüs, researcher at the German Marshall Fund, told Euronews.
“On the one hand, this expands his future room for maneuver and future political autonomy, but on the other hand it seriously undermines the perception of E.U. foreign policy among key partners.”
Hegedus’s claim that Orbán’s move makes the European Union seem more ridiculous is a difficult position to defend. Its own “common and agreed positions” have resulted in economic, political and military instability. Orbán described these E.U. policies as “bureaucratic nonsense.”
Of course, a fact check from somebody such as E.U. Chief Commissioner Ursula von der Leyen’s European Democracy Shield would be certain to uphold the charge against Orbán’s appeal for sanity and for security.
The unelected E.U. head, who has just secured a second term in office thanks to her robust pro-war stance, has recently launched this risibly-named campaign to protect E.U. citizens from exactly the kind of Christian values defended by Orbán – and the wider reality-based community of European populists.
Manifesto for a European future
On the eve of the six-month E.U. presidency of Hungary, Orbán announced a new “Patriots for Europe” bloc in the European Parliament. This was to combat the “green poison” of the “Brussels elite,” which Orbán said was “not a democratic construct.”
Orbán has faced down attacks on his “illiberal Christian democracy” by the globalist-liberal E.U. since 2013.
In his June 30 address, he stated that it was the duty of the three main parties of Hungary, Austria, and the Czech Republic to “stop illegal migration, advocate the traditional family,” and “defend national sovereignty.”
“We believe that this is the day when the change in European politics begins,” Orbán said, introducing a new politics for the future.
The manifesto of Patriots for Europe states that Europe is at a “turning point.”
… the nations of Europe have arrived at a historic turning point. The European Union, once a dream project rooted in a desire for reconciliation after the devastation caused by two world wars and decades of division, has turned against Europeans and now represents interests that are at odds with the will of nations, regions and the small communities that make up our European homeland.
On Monday, Orbán’s Fidesz party announced the Patriots for Europe bloc now had 84 E.U. members of parliament (MEPs) from 12 nations. Jordan Bardella, MEP and head of the French National Rally in the European Parliament, has been appointed leader of the group.
German outlet Die Welt reported that, in response, far-left extremists greens etc have combined to form a “firewall” to shut out the politics of Christian sanity from the E.U.
These developments come alongside an attempt at serious diplomacy which has humiliated the E.U., whose diplomats and liberal leaders remain steadfastly committed to prolonging – and even escalating – the war in Ukraine.
It is clear that a politically paralyzed Europe can now no longer ignore Orbán calling out the sanophobia and normophobia of liberal-globalist politics. Pro-war E.U. globalists have raged at Orbán’s peace mission, and his call to “Make Europe Great Again.”
Eurocrats on Xanax?
Now Orbán’s dedication to replacing the machinery of the ant- west with that of pro life pro west is driving some liberal Eurocrats to drugs.
“I take pills to calm myself when I talk about this issue because it’s getting really ridiculous,” said a senior E.U. diplomat according to the U.K.’s Guardian. “At every turn of the road you see the Hungarians hampering Ukraine’s ability to fight an aggressor.”
The pill-induced coping was accompanied by much seething.
At a meeting of foreign affairs ministers last month [June], frustrations boiled over when ministers confronted their Kremlin-decorated counterpart, Péter Szijjártó, over Hungary’s obstruction.
‘Almost all our decisions and needed discussions are being blocked by one country,’ said Lithuania’s foreign minister, Gabrielius Landsbergis, who accused Budapest of a ‘systematic approach towards any efforts by the E.U. to have any meaningful role in foreign affairs.’
It is a staple of history that German-Russian relations decide the relative security of Europe. In seeking to characterize any attempt to normalize relations with Russia as treason, these liberals are making permanent instability a matter not only of policy – but also of honor. Hungary is to be applauded for keeping these people out of foreign affairs.
Accordingly, the communists and their far left cranks have done much to lock down the Hungarian Christian menace.
The E.U. has blocked 27 billion euros from reaching Orbán’s Hungary. The “unfreezing” of some 10 billion in January 2024 led to outrage in the European Parliament, which sued the E.U. Commission for doing so. The funds were released to secure Hungarian support for financing the Ukraine war, with a further $54 billion sent to Volodymyr Zelensky in February.
Up to 19 billion euros in E.U. funding remains frozen over the Hungarian government’s refusal to repeal “anti-LGBT” child protection laws, and open its well-policed borders.
Orbán’s Fidesz is pro-family, not pro-rainbow. You can have one or the other, and Orbán has chosen to defend and strengthen the family. This is the main reason funds have been frozen to Hungary. A secret E.U. plan to “sabotage the Hungarian economy” was reported in January 2024. Yet E.U. hatred of the Hungarian model has a long history.
Why the E.U. hates Orbán
In 2017, a member of Orbán’s party told the Hungarian Parliament it was their “Christian duty to fight against the Soros/Satan plan.” Soros’ Open Society Foundations were effectively expelled from Hungary following a June 2018 “Stop Soros” law, which saw the OSF University close down.
Orbán’s announcement in 2018 that he seeks to establish an “illiberal Christian democracy” in Hungary was met with horror by the E.U.
As the E.U. moved to freeze Hungary’s funding in December 2019, Zoltan Kovacs said the E.U. was dancing to the tune of the “Soros orchestra” in doing so.
Kovacs, who is the Hungarian government’s international spokesman, also correctly predicted the process was designed never to end.
Five years later, 19 billion euros earmarked for Hungary remain frozen by the E.U.
The price of peace and family values
Naturally, the E.U. which is doing this to Hungary has accused Orbán’s ruling Fidesz party of “blackmail” for its measures to block further E.U. funds being sent to finance the war in Ukraine.
Orbán’s government has repeatedly hampered E.U. attempts to send more money and weapons to Zelensky’s regime, reflecting the view of the diplomatic realist John Mearsheimer that Ukraine has already lost the war, and no amount of money will change that fact.
In response to Orbán’s call for peace, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that peace would be the result of a Ukrainian surrender.
Orbán is described as “Putin’s greatest ally” by CNN as he seeks to end war. By contrast, the greatest ally of the United States – Israel – is threatening to drag the U.S. and NATO into a regional war which could go nuclear. The same can be said of Ukraine, the main ally of the West in its proxy war against Russia. Mearsheimer predicted in 2015 that Ukraine would be “wrecked” by the leadership of U.S./NATO into this war, and it is hard to disagree with him today.
Perhaps the Ukraine war is being prolonged not in the hope of a military victory – but to postpone a devastating political defeat of the liberal-globalists who so vociferously cheered on Ukraine – and Europe – into disaster. It is a sign of the times that it is a champion of “Christian democracy” who is seeking peace, and that all those who speak for liberal values are as implacably opposed to this model of politics as they are dedicated to the business of permanent war. Obviously Orbán is far from perfect but from a neo-aristocratic point of view he’s the best there is on the current world stage.