What is the western ideal ?

The Western ideal , sometimes equated with Western civilization – Western culture , Western lifestyle or European civilization, is a term used broadly to refer to a heritage of social norms, ethical values, traditional customs, belief systems, political systems, and specific artifacts and technologies that have an origin or strong association with Europe.
The Western ideal is the civilisational  “Gold standard” coveted and replicated globally. The western ideal put simply is the collective western bar set on anything. Beauty, infrastructure, business, law, hygiene, sport, cuisine. Music. This list goes on
Western culture is characterized by a host of artistic, philosophic, literary, and legal themes and traditions; the heritage of Celtic, Germanic, Hellenic,  Slavic, Latin, and other ethnic and linguistic groups, as well as Christianity, which played perhaps the most important part in the shaping of Western civilization since at least the 4th century.
Values of Western culture have, throughout history, been derived from political thought, widespread employment of rational argument favouring free thought, assimilation of human rights, and the need for self betterment.
Rational thinking developed through a long age of change and formation, with the experiments of the Enlightenment, and breakthroughs in the sciences. In an age of ever diminishing rationalism its falls to us the like minded few the responsibility of protecting the western ideal. Territory has continuously passed to different hands since the beginning of time and will continue to do so, and we can survive it, its not the land itself that makes us who we are but our ideals, and lineage both of which are encompassed in the western ideal, and both of which are threatened.
What is High Culture ?
Fine Art

There has always been High culture and popular culture. High culture is culture that is accepted by authoritative institutions as being of the greatest value and importance to humanity. Fine art is art that is created for art’s sake. That is to say it has no commercial purpose or constraints. The vast majority of fine artists never rise in the art world. Recognition of contemporary art as high culture tends to be controversial because the far left leaning art organisations mostly pick art that is deemed trashy or degenerate by the general public. This often leads to headlines and uproar when these Marist institutions spends obscene amounts of money on things that most people wouldn’t even consider art to begin with. For example Voice of fire purchased by the Canadian national gallery for 1.76 million dollars, the so called  “painting” is of a red stripe on a blue background. However as much as it is disliked by the mainstream it never the less encroaches on our daily lives. Appearing everywhere, on the side of buildings, Libraries and other public spaces, More and more favoured by the state over its better loved and proven rival high culture. Where as previously regardless of era contemporary art had run parallel to the classic high culture now it’s backers wish to replace high culture altogether with this newer ever further degenerating form of expression.

An example of high culture in fine art. The Birth of Venus’ by Sandro Botticelli


London philharmonic orchestra

Music is only normally considered high culture when it is based on longstanding tradition and performers have reached the top of their art. For example classical music is based on western musical traditions particularly between the period of  1750 to 1820 its very competitive as the definition of quality is precise and well understood such that a high level of refinement and style is required to gain recognition. Theatre 

Performing Arts

Spinning Dancer GIF - Spinning Dancer Balerina GIFs

Performing arts particularly theatre and dance are viewed as high culture with acceptance by institutions such as a prestigious theatre. Theatrical productions that have primarily commercial goals such as a Broadway musical or West end theatre production are not considered high culture. 


bicycle thieves 1948

Films are expensive to make so normally created for commercial goals so not normally considered high culture, the few that are recognised as high culture are normally independent films that are made for the sake of story telling


A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens.

Unlike film books are very cheap to make as a result a great deal of them are produced each year which in turn makes it a literature a very competitive market to get into. There are 3 possible ways for  literature to become recognized as high culture. Critical acclaim, prizes and being adoption as required or suggested reading in universities and collages 



As with film architecture is expensive and good architecture even more expensive than that So again its generally geared towards a commercial appreciation. Its rare but possible that contemporary architecture can elevate to High culture status if it wins prestigious awards. Old architecture is accepted as high culture if it unusually outstanding or an important example of cultural heritage of a people or place. 


Prince William and Kate at Ascot

Traditional fashions of the upper classes are often considered to be of high culture, for example bespoke tailors, haute couture (high end women’s fashion) and for traditional Kimono makers. 

Hopefully this brief list and explanation gives the reader a understanding of what is the western ideal and what is and is not high culture. From a Neo-Aristocracy point of view high culture is the antidote to the contemporary. The contemporary is not degenerate by default indeed historically speaking there are countless examples on high culture coming through in every period, however its widely accepted we are already knee deep in what’s be termed as a new dark ages. Where nothing new of worth is able to get through a regress if you will. As a traditionalist organisation its important that we embrace high culture and then radiate that outwards, setting an example to other members and would be members. You can do this by every day actions. From what you watch to what you wear. There is room for improvement in all of us and after all the more of us that support the  preferred arts the less likely they are to vanish.