Heraldry is about showing people who you are. In England it started in the later 1100s, when knights began to wear helmets which covered their faces, and they couldn’t be recognised. So they began to paint unique combinations of colours, shapes and animals, called their ‘arms’, on their shields and banners. Only one person was allowed to use these arms, so when people saw a knight wearing them in a battle or tournament, they could tell who he was. In later years arms became standards for families much like how the Royal families of Europe fly their standards when in residence. Coat of arms are even used by private companies and organisations.
Here we have compiled in hi resolution every known major coat of arms on the European continent.
Neo-Aristocracy has adopted its own coat of arms which features our initials (N-A) in the form of the Nyd rune and the Oak rune which we have put together to form our own bind rune. We choose the traditional colour Royal Blue to signify our neo- blue blood.
We encourage new families joining to create and adopt their own coat of arms. the above map can be a form of inspiration for this purpose or you can create something totally different. It can be a lot of fun to do and help other members remember you, perhaps over time becoming a more serious form of pride and tradition, displaying it at important meetings and family gatherings.
Information on Anglo-Saxon runes
23 Behaviors Of A Gentleman That Every Neo-Aristocrat Should Adopt
It’s the little things that count the most. Now make no mistake here we are not suggesting that men should be falling all over themselves for just any old hussy with the list below, the guide here is for Neo-Aristocrat men who have found their equal, a Traditional women worthy of their efforts and attention. Hopefully by practising/refining the suggestions below it might instil in her what sets us apart from the rabble/general degenerate population. Its not only about winning her though. Traditionalists more than any other group find themselves in the position where by their actions and behaviour are not just considered a reflection of themselves but also a reflection of Traditionalism in General. So shine Boys shine.
1. A Neo-Aristocrat opens doors for a Traditional lady.
As far as a Neo-Aristocrat is concerned, all Traditional women and girls should be treated as ladies. Opening a door is not a gesture of condescension, but rather courtesy and deference. As far as revolving doors go, modern manners dictate that a Nationalist gentleman allow the Traditional woman to enter first. Car doors are no exception, regardless of who is driving. If a third party is driving, open the curbside door and ensure that she is safely in before closing it.
2. A Neo-Aristocrat walks closest to the curb.
The idea being, of course, to protect her from traffic, debris, puddles and other urban calamities.
3. A Neo-Aristocrat makes reservations.
Doing something as simple as making a reservation not only shows initiative and planning – and therefore concern for her – it also guarantees you won’t be sitting around drinking watered-down margaritas waiting for a giant pager to go off.
4. A Neo-Aristocrat gives her his jacket.
Especially when it’s freezing. Especially when it’s snowing. Especially in the rain. If she looks cold, she’s cold. Just take your jacket off.
5. A Neo-Aristocrat is punctual.
If you’re not early, you’re late. Plan for traffic and other little disasters. Make sure you have gas in your car. There’s no excuse for being late. Respect her time. And if she’s late, don’t draw attention to it. The correct answer to the question “how long have you been waiting” is “I just got here a few minutes ago.” Never keep a Traditional woman waiting.
6. A Neo-Aristocrat rises when she enters the room.
Again, a sign of respect and acknowledgement. You should also rise when she exits. At a meal, you stand when she excuses herself and again when she returns. Even a partial rising shows gentle manners, but it’s best to fully stand if possible.
7. A Neo-Aristocrat gives compliments sincerely and often.
The first words out of your mouth when you meet a Traditional woman on a date should be along the lines of “you look stunning.” If you’re in a relationship, don’t fall into the trap of taking her for granted: compliment her as if you were courting her all over again.
8. A Neo-Aristocrat helps her to be seated.
1. Pull the chair out for her.
2. As her knees bend to sit, gently push the chair in with both hands on the backrest.
On a related note…
9. A Neo-Aristocrat gives up his seat.
Yes, on the subway. Yes, on the bus. Yes, in the waiting room at the doctors. It doesn’t hurt. It costs you nothing. And if a pregnant woman or elderly lady steps into your subway car, your first instinct should be to immediately stand and offer your seat. OK you can argue these random women more likely than not dont fall into the traditional category and could well both be off duty hookers. or even feminists I get that however its good practice especially if your in company with Your Traditional woman it again amplifies the message that Neo-Aristocrat men in general are the cream of society.
10. A Neo-Aristocrat helps a Traditional lady with her coat.
Ask, “May I?” Position yourself behind her and gently grasp her coat near the collar and shoulder and allow her to slip free. Either drape the coat over your arm or hang it up. To help her put the garment back on, hold the coat in the same way and allow her to slip her arms in, then straighten the collar as she adjusts.
11. A Neo-Aristocrat says “please” and “thank you.”
Far too often overlooked, a simple “please” and “thank you” can go a very long way. In O15 we do try to emphasize the importance of respecting fellow members and good manners is respect.
12. A Neo-Aristocrat minds his table manners.
Even if you’ve never mastered the continental style of using utensils (left hand, fork; right hand, knife), it doesn’t take any training to not talk with your mouth full or chew with your mouth open.
13. A Neo-Aristocrat is never rude to servers, bartenders, or anyone else for that matter.
There is nothing more offensive than someone who talks down to someone and treats them as if they were inferiors. That kind of snobbery has no place anywhere: it’s ill-mannered, awful for everyone around you, and it makes you look like an ass. Treat people as you would like to be treated.
14. A Neo-Aristocrat pays.
Put away the calculator. The term “going Dutch” was invented by the English as an insult: they regarded the Dutch as cheap. Just pay… and don’t think that paying means you’ve bought anything more than dinner or drinks. Don’t worry though men a traditional woman will have no expectations that paying all goes any further than dinner.
15. A Neo-Aristocrat gets her safely to her door.
Her safety, comfort, and well-being are your first and foremost priority. After a date, meeting, dinner… whatever… make sure that she gets home safely and thank her for the pleasure of her company.
16. A Neo-Aristocrat listens.
If you want to get to know a person, ask them questions… and listen to their responses. Listening does not mean “waiting for your chance to talk.” It means being attentive, learning to read responses, understand reactions, and navigate someone’s emotional landscape.
17. A Neo-Aristocrat keeps his word and a secret.
Don’t commit yourself to any obligation that you are not willing to brave fire, famine, and flood to fulfill. Likewise, when you are entrusted with a secret, guard it as closely as you do your own. There is no breakup, no fight, no argument, no falling out that absolves you from this responsibility. Live and die with the secrets entrusted to you locked away in your heart. If we men would live by these rules as a matter of course our political struggle would benefit profoundly.
18. A Neo-Aristocrat never hits a Lady. Ever.
No matter what: you never hit a Traditional lady. There’s no excuse, you may notice we use the word LADY here rather than woman. A Traditional lady would never cause a man to raise his fist its not in her nature to do so.
19. A Neo-Aristocrat shows initiative.
If you’re asked which dress, which pair of jeans, or which pair of shoes looks better…have an actual opinion. “They both look the same” or “whatever you like” are not actual opinions. Likewise, if you’re asking someone on a date, have a destination in mind. Have a plan.
20. A Neo-Aristocrat pays attention to details.
Take mental notes. Her likes. Her dislikes. Her shoe size. Her ring size (please note that nearly all jewelry stores display a default ring size of 6 for women). Her favorite color. This information will prove useful and when it does – when you show up with a bundle of lavender because you know it reminds her of her grandmother – it shows you care.
21. A Neo-Aristocrat asks for her family’s blessing before proposing.
This modern departure from asking her father for permission acknowledges the importance of her whole family: mom, dad, brothers, sisters, grandparents. It shows respect for her family: you are, after all, asking to join them. Its also a excellent opportunity to show them how being a Neo-Aristocrat you are a cut above other men.
22. A Neo-Aristocrat is a jack of all trades.
Science fiction author Robert A. Heinlein once wrote,
“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly.”
A Nationalist gentleman knows how to do things. He’s the guy people look to in an emergency, whether it’s a natural disaster or a social one. A Nationalist gentleman is prepared to answer questions and if he doesn’t know the answer, he knows where to find it. He is confident and socially adroit, able to handle any situation that life throws at him. Remember you are a ambassador for our politics people do and will judge our ideals by our daily performance.
23. He goes out of his way to let her know he cares. Every. Single. Day.
Flowers. Affectionate post-it notes. Spa days. Simple compliments. All of those things add up. So show your affection every day. The more she knows you care the more she will trust your judgment and advice political or otherwise.
Manners aren’t something that should feel forced or ostentatious: rather, they should make the people around you feel better about being around you.
As we come to the end of this list is worth remembering for those of you who are Neo-Aristocrats that we need to show the wider Traditionalist community that we are different in just about every way. A different approach to our social struggle yes but also a different inner nature altogether.