
As suggested by the name, this type is associated with members of those West-Germanic tribes, primarily the Angles, the Saxons and the Jutes, which invaded the British Isles in the fifth century.

Other names:

– Old Germanic Reihengräber type (includes the Dutch/Frisian Friterpian type)

Iron Age Hallstatt Nordid altered by mixture with Cro-Magnid and probably additional Corded elements. The influence of a Borreby or similar brachycephalic strain may be of secondary importance.

The general impression of this tall, broad-shouldered and characteristically blond type is that of an overgrown Hallstatt Nordid, with a larger head and face, as well as hands and feet of somewhat greater dimensions. The face is long, with a marked skeletal relief which gives it a somewhat rugged and angular appearance. The nose is large, very leptorrhine, and usually straight, with a convex minority. The lips, like those of the Hallstatt Nordid, are rather thin.

The Anglo-Saxon type is over-all mesocephalic, with a minor tendency towards brachycephaly, possibly reflecting a measure of round-headedness in the Cro-Magnid strain(s). The forehead is high and the browridges heavy, and the jaw is prominent. Whereas typically Cro-Magnid features are visible, the general impression is of a larger, more robust Nordid (Hallstatt, rather than the more numerous Insular Keltic variety).

The Anglo-Saxon hair color range runs from golden blond to medium brown, with the latter in the majority. Ash-blond shades are less frequent. There is a minor tendency towards rufosity, but much less so than is the case with the Trønder type, with which the Anglo-Saxon may be compared in many respects. The eyes are pure blue or light-mixed.

Celebrity examples:

   Alec Guinness          Julie Andrews         Michael Caine         Diane Sawyer
        (England)                   (England)                  (England)                        (USA)

The Anglo-Saxon type is found in its greatest number today in the British Isles, and particularly in southeastern England (East Anglia), where it is represented by the descendants of the western Germanic peoples whose 5th Century Völkerwanderung conquest led to the introduction to the Isles of Germanic language, culture, and identity, all of which still prevail and have had a massive influence on the shaping of the modern world.

A similar and closely related type (Friterpian) is found across the Channel, in the Netherlands and throughout Frisia, where Germanic Nordids settled among and interbred with the local Upper Palaeolithic population. Frisia and the adjoining territories are still associated with the Frisian tribesmen and their relatives the Angles and the Saxons, most of whom it seems belonged to this altered Nordid type.
Related or similar types:

– Brünn
– Dalo-Falid
– Friterpian type
– Hallstatt Nordid
– Trønder

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